We are a wandering band of shape shifters, following cycles of Moon and seasons, remembering snake skin and wolf howl in our bones, becoming a creature of feral humanity, re-membering ourselves into Earth Community. We are cultivating a Feral Webwork together, specifically in the crucible of these crumbling and collapsing times. Our vision is to assist the transformation of our current industrializing over-culture into a holographic form that embodies Earth's Dream. Singing the songs and stories of our ancestors, we dream possibilities into the un-known future. Tracking Soul, we re-imagine gathering together in a place for metamorphosis, shapeshifting, transformation and emergence.
Desire to say yes to the ongoing initiations of living. To honor the soft-bellied experiences that shape and reshape you, informing your becoming. To tend with reverence the heartbreaking and ecstatic thresholds that tempt you toward the uncertain ground of birth and death.
Hear the call of unknown goddesses and gods whose tongues are moistened by the wisdom of the more-than-human, ancestral, and cosmic. Tongues that whisper secrets of belonging from the breath of the world.
Wish to address the collective and shared ground of ancestral and intergenerational trauma, wounding, and shadow that feed the collapsing paradigms of our time. To engage in co-liberatory processes that acknowledge the complexity of community building, and seek to create the kinds of trust that make risk-taking and personal and collective transformation possible.
Understand the necessity of staying with the immensity of these times. To be with what is so - the collapse and dissolutions of a world that you love. To turn toward the rapid disappearance of our more-than-human kin, and the unraveling of complex ecosystems. To stay with the trouble, and learn to listen with the ancestral, multidimensional and original ears of your own feral heart.
Are aching to participate in the storying of a possible future that we may or may not be a part of. That our lives become devotional rivers that shape and reshape the lands of a possible future where our sense of family and kin stretch well beyond human parameters.
Are re-imagining community and culture in these times and for these times. Re-imagining systems of support, pathways of reciprocity, organizational structurings, parental tending, the fabric of education, movements of liberation and justice, the invocation of the eco-mystical and poetic. A feral Webwork that does not abide cultural rigidities and threats to conform. A Webwork fed by the mycelial networkings and union of soul-rooted/spirit-enveloped living.
Seeking human gatherings guided by a love for the multiplicitous, the chthonic, the unknown, and the emergent. A community that loves the darkness just as much as the light. That recognizes the brilliant necessity of elemental forces that compost, decay, and rot. A place where we can engage the "feminine" as an emergent and dynamic force beyond the binary. A transing, queering, more-than-human force that is spacious enough to embrace all they myriad bodies of experience and expression.
We currently have one thread of membership.
Warp: $25 Participation in the Webwork threads of shared dream, poem, questioning, supporting, exploring; the artists atelier for your images, songs, poems, writings; 1 depth council per month and 1 movement exploration per month with Amanda and Sara or guest guides; weekly invitations for becoming feral. You receive 5% off on all Programs month long, 3 month or 6 month.
Coming soon, the second thread...
Weft: $50 The above plus participation in Round Table discussions with guest teachers. You receive 50% off month long programs and 10% off on 3 and 6 month Programs.
We need your help to keep Feral Lunacy as valuable, authentic, and safe as possible.
Here are our guidelines:
Be supportive. Encourage and support your fellow members. No one here is looking for your criticism, cynicism, advice, or judgement. (We can get those things on the rest of the Internet). Listen from the heart.
Share generously. Your stories and experiences may be exactly what another member needs to hear today to solve a problem or seize an opportunity. Be willing to be vulnerable, to share from your heart.
Be constructive. We’re here to explore together, lean into not-knowing and cultivate generative community. Wonder and Curiosity are incredible medicines for healing the mind-frame of colonialisation and the over-culture of our current paradigm.
Agency and Responsibility. Resting upon the foundation that each person entering the container is doing their personal work (i.e. antiracism, anti-oppression, trauma healing) - recognizing how we are all contributing both to the current paradigm and to its dismantling.